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Search results

  1. Cultural Program

    a Parisian pâtissier, travel to Normandy to experience the sites of the D-Day landings, or take ...

  2. Communication & Civil Society

    working for change right now, who will share their experience and knowledge with you; and visits to sites ...

  3. Certificates

    none The Registrar’s Office supplies students with different certificates that attest to their status at the University and in France. You can request your certificates at any time using the online  certificate request form. If you have any questions or n ...

  4. Support for our Diverse Communities

    support in case of racism or racial discrimination and can provide legal advice. On site and/or ...

  5. Meet The Team

    members monitor the inbox to ensure as prompt a response as possible. As we are often on-site in the ...

  6. MA in Global Communications, Development Communications Track

    with special reference to HIV/Aids, socially responsible business and environmental management. On-site ...

  7. Jessica Newman '01

    on-site doctor. If we hadn’t started small, and hadn’t had members of the AUP community seeking out great ...

  8. Tuesday, March 17: AUP Update on Covid-19

    (.com or because the French site delivers English language books very quickly from the US and ...

  9. Environmental Studies

    responsible business and environmental management. On-site visits and team-work are central to the course, ...

  10. Fashion Studies

    sites in Paris (or online visits), students will understand how the fashion industry has shaped –and ...
