Offerings on the Database

Available to returning and graduate students

The Housing Database is a network of landlords and agencies that have rented and wish to continue renting their apartments to AUP students. Many of the landlords we work with enjoy welcoming international students to Paris. The Housing Database lists these partnerships and is exclusively available to returning and graduate students.

Though some of the listings are offered by landlords who have only recently joined our network, most are from landlords who have been on our roster for years and who have welcomed many generations of AUP students to Paris. Some of the apartments are even owned by AUP alumni who themselves benefitted from the database and who wish to remain connected to their alma mater by housing their successors.

The Housing Office works as an intermediary through the Housing Database process. We do not have immediate partnerships with landlords, nor do we set rental agreements ourselves. Rather, we support both students and landlords by connecting them during the search, mediating the rental agreement process, and intervening as needed during the rental period.

Options are regularly updated.

Database Policies & Regulations

Please note that failure to comply with housing regulations may result in losing the right to use AUP’s housing services.

Before You are Housed
  • The Housing Office does not have a contract or written agreement with the landlords advertised on the database. The agreement is set between the landlord and the student directly – the Housing Office works as an intermediary (much as a real estate agency would) to connect students and landlords. The Housing Office does not receive any payment or commission from the landlords listed in the database, and does not require payment from students for the use of the database.
  • Students have access to the Housing Database for the purpose of viewing and selecting available offers. All contact with the landlord is established through the Housing Office team.
  • Students housed through the Housing Office make a commitment for a minimum of one semester. Students are encouraged to contact their landlord at the end of each semester to check on the renewal of their rental agreement. When students decide to leave, their departure must coincide with the end of a semester or summer session (at the end of the final exams). They must give one month’s notice at minimum, or the specific notice agreed upon in your rental contract.
  • Students with pets must understand that most landlords will prioritize applications from tenants without pets, therefore the properties available to them may be limited. Landlords may require that students with pets provide a two-month security deposit.
  • Security deposits (equivalent to one month’s rent) and the first month's rent must be paid in full by the day you move in. Landlords may require the deposit in advance if you are securing the apartments a few months before move-in (for example. in the summer ahead of the Fall semester). The first month's rent should be paid at its pro-rated rate. (For example, if you enter your apartment mid-month, your first month rent should be half of the rent.) Students should always request and keep rent receipts.
  • Some landlords may ask you to sign a rental agreement that provides additional conditions (or different conditions) than the Housing Database regulations. Please make sure to carefully read your rental agreement before signing it, and contact the Housing Office should you wish to review it with a staff member. This rental agreement will supersede any Housing Database regulations, so make sure that you know what you are agreeing to.
Move-In Procedures
  • French law requires that all renters have housing insurance. All students housed by the Housing Office must provide their landlords with a copy of their insurance attestation before moving in. All incoming students need to secure their housing insurance through an insurance company. Returning students can secure housing insurance through their bank account. Students can contact the Housing Office if they have any questions.
  • Students are responsible for ensuring that they complete a move-in walkthrough and/or take detailed photos and videos of their accommodation in its move-in state. The Housing Office will not be able to assist in contesting deductions at move-out if there are no records from the move-in procedure.
During the Rental Period
  • Students are responsible for punctually paying their rent, at the first of every month, directly to the landlord, via the method agreed upon with the landlord. Students should always request a rent receipt.
  • Students are responsible for maintaining their apartment in the state in which they rented it. If any problems arise, they must contact the Housing Office and/or their landlord immediately.
  • If a student has outstanding housing-related claims or debts (such as an unpaid electricity bill, unpaid rent or unpaid damages to an apartment), a hold will be placed on the student’s account preventing retrieval of grade reports, transcripts and diplomas until the debt has been settled and the Housing Office has received confirmation from the landlord.
  • Students are not permitted to sublet their accommodation or advertise it on rental websites (such as Airbnb). Exceptions can only be made if the student can provide explicit written approval from their landlord to sublet, or if a provision for subletting is included in their signed rental contract. The Housing Office may contact the landlord for confirmation in these cases. When subletting is allowed, students must follow the conditions of subletting outlined by their landlord.
  • Students should note that by using the database services, they agree to the Housing Office disclosing their personal email address and mobile telephone number, as well as a confirmation of whether or not the student is continuing at AUP the following semester, to the student’s current landlord upon request.
  • The University's standard of conduct, as outlined in the Student Handbook, applies to all students who have used the Housing Office's services. Failure to abide by the standard of conduct or any violations of the housing regulations can lead to disciplinary action.
Upon Departure
  • If moving out at the end of a semester, students must give the landlord one month's written notice (unless specified differently in their rental contract), sent by registered mail (lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception).  The Housing Office provides a move-out letter template which can be found in our Housing Resources page.

The Housing Office is unable to help students recuperate their deposit if this procedure has not been followed. Landlords may also terminate a rental agreement at the end of a semester by giving the student one month’s notice.

  • Students must also inform the Housing Office of their departure from the apartment so that it can be made available to other students.
  • Should students leave before the agreed upon minimum lease period of one semester (and/or without providing the proper notice) in violation of the housing regulations and/or their rental contract, the Housing Office cannot guarantee assistance in the refunding of their full deposit.
  • Security deposits are used to cover outstanding bills and damages and, thus, may NEVER serve as the last month's rent, which is illegal in France. The landlord has up to two months after your departure to assess any damages that need to be fixed before they are required to return your deposit.
  • Housing obtained through the database may be "passed on" to other AUP students but ONLY after written notification sent to the Housing Office via email. Housing obtained through the Housing Database may never be “passed on” to individuals who are not current AUP students.
  • After giving the landlord notice of departure, students are responsible for showing their housing, in a timely manner, to other AUP students who contact them through the Housing Office

Using the Database

STEP ONE: Read the database regulations and policies

Make sure to read the database regulations and policies outlined above carefully before accessing the database. You will be asked to agree to the policies before initiating your search with the Housing Office.

STEP TWO: Review available listings

You will need to use your AUP credentials (netID and password) to access the Housing Database. Review the available listings and try to narrow down your options to about five preferences. As you review the offers, play close attention to the availability start date, the amenities offered, the rental price, the type of rental agreement, and the eligibility for the CAF. When you are looking for accommodation, we urge you to respect your budget. Please do not count on the CAF to cover part of your rent. (More information about the CAF subsidy is available in our Search on Your Own page).
Please be aware that there may be additional costs that may not be included in your rent, such as electricity, heating, water and internet. Our offers indicate whether or not these utilities are included.

STEP THREE: Submit your preferences

Fill out and submit the Online Housing Search form to start your database search with the office. You will be asked to provide your move-in date, estimated rental period, preferences, availability for visits, and graduation semester.

STEP FOUR: Work with the office throughout your search

The Housing Office will schedule one visit per student at a time, starting with the top-ranked preference: this is because when we schedule an apartment visit for a student, that apartment is then listed as “pending” in the database and is no longer visible to other students. You must inform the Housing Office within 24 hours after a visit whether or not you would like to rent the apartment. If you choose not to rent it, the apartment will go back into our available listings. We repeat this process for all your indicated preferences until you have settled on an apartment.

STEP FIVE: Confirm the rental with the landlord

Once you have let us know that you wish to rent a specific apartment, we will confirm your choice with the landlord. It is then your responsibility to settle the rental agreement directly with the landlord. We remain available to provide advice or insight, so please do ask for assistance if you have any doubts about the agreement.

STEP SIX: Provide the deposit and rental insurance

To secure your rental, landlords will ask for a security deposit, usually equivalent to one month’s rent. You will then pay the first month’s rent on the day you move in. You will also need to secure housing insurance (this is a legal requirement for you as a tenant), as landlords will need proof of insurance to issue your key during move-in. Information about housing insurance is included in our Housing Resources page, and the Housing Office is available to assist you with securing one as well. All that is left for you then is to coordinate your move-in date and procedure with your landlord, and start your new housing experience!


During your stay, the Housing Office is available to help you communicate with your landlord. Should an issue arise, you should first contact your landlord for assistance, though it is always preferable to also notify the Housing Office so we are aware of the situation. Should you have difficulty reaching a resolution with your landlord, please let us know, and we will intervene more directly to mediate the situation.