Olympics 2024:

Information about Campus Tours, Access and Visits

Digital Student Handbook

The AUP Student Handbook is your guide to life at the University and out in the City of Light. Reach out to the Student Development helpdesk for additional support: studentdevelopmentataup.edu

Campus Map

  1. Combes Student Life Center: 6, rue du Colonel Combes
  2. Quai d'Orsay Learning Commons: 69, quai d'Orsay*
  3. Administration Building: 5, boulevard de La Tour-Maubourg
  4. AUP Bookstore, Classrooms and Faculty Offices: 2 bis, Passage Landrieu 
  5. Classrooms and Faculty Offices: 102, rue Saint-Dominique (entrance at 16, passage Landrieu)
  6. Grenelle Teaching and Mentoring Center: 147, rue de Grenelle
  7. Classrooms (under renovation): 9, rue de Monttessuy

For a complete overview of our campus, click here.