AUP students by the Seine.


Teaching and Learning in Prison

University Room: Omid & Gisel Kordestani Rooftop Conference Center (Q-801)
6 rue du Colonel Combes, Paris
Friday, June 21, 2024 - 09:00 to Saturday, June 22, 2024 - 13:00

This symposium grows out of the AUP prison education workshops, which bring AUP students into a shared educational and creative space with people detained at the prison of La Santé in Paris. The aim of the symposium is bring together people involved in education and creation in prisons and to ask basic questions about these practices, through sharing our varying experiences. We aim to bring together those who have experienced incarceration and those who have not, in an egalitarian and epistemologically plural perspective, breaking down the boundaries between different institutional and professional affiliations, for example between secondary school and university levels, or between academia and artistic practice. A hybrid session will bring in the voices of North American leaders and create a space for French-North American dialogue rethinking prison experiences. Our meeting will take the form of workshops and discussions, inspired by the methods of egalitarian and inclusive pedagogies. AUP students who have been involved in the prison education workshop or who are interested in joining in the future are encouraged to come. This event is bilingual English-French. Translation will be provided where required.




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