Jayson Harsin
- Department: Communication, Media and Culture
- Complementary Department(s): History and Politics
- Graduate Program(s): Global Communications
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Professor Harsin arrived at AUP in 2003, after having taught at Northeastern University and, earlier, worked as a music and culture journalist and dj. Current director of AUP's research Center for Media, Communication & Global Change, Harsin is a critical scholar who has published seminal work on the media and communicative forms and processes of what is popularly called “post-truth politics,” such as “fake news,” conspiracy theory, rumor, lying, and disinformation. His research especially emphasizes critical cultural aspects of gender, dis-/trust, emotion, and cognition, in the digital attention economy. His work theorizes, critiques and empirically analyzes communication and culture dynamics between professional and amateur-citizen political communicators, journalists, and social movements. Professor Harsin is the former chair of the Philosophy, Theory & Critique research division of the International Communication Association. His edited book, journal issues, and own peer-reviewed research has been published widely in journals such as Communication, Culture & Critique, International Journal of Communication, and French Politics, Culture & Society. He is the recipient of the 2022 International Award for Excellence for Information, Medium, and Society—The Publishing Studies Research Network—for his article “Post-truth Reflections on Public Origins and Functions of Publishing” (2021). He presents peer-reviewed research at professional conferences such as the International Communication Associaion. Professor Harsin is currently preparing a book manuscript that critically examines a renewed academic and popular fascination with "information" in a new cultural context of digital dystopia.
- Northwestern University (PhD)
- University of Illinois (MA)
- University of Kansas (BA, Honors)
- Delacroix, G. (2019, April 9). «La tromperie est enracinée dans la communication politique» [Interview]. https://www.mediapart.fr/journal/france/090419/la-tromperie-est-enracinee-dans-la-communication-politique
- (2017, 1 December TV Interview) “Fake News la bataille pour la vérité,” [Fake news : the battle for truth] TV 7, L’Info Sud Ouest
- Full Interview with journalist Mariana Queiroz Barboza in Brazillian magazine ÉPOCA, “As pessoas estão céticas comapolítica,” April 24, 2017
- (Jun - 4 September 2017) (research on post-truth featured in Art Exhibit). “Jayson Harsin Sightings 21: (Post) Truth on Display.” Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Concordia University.
- Lopes, G. (2017, Avril 14). A Hénin-Beaumont, le magazine municipal pour attaquer la presse. Le Journal du Dimanche
- Rodel, Patrick. (2017, 6 Mars) « Sur la post-vérité. » Mediapart
- Segond, V. (2017, March 2). « La post-vérité a radicalement transformé les campagnes électorales ». Le Monde, Le Monde.fr
- Boyer, Philippe (2017, February 5). « Mobilisation générale contre les «fake news». » Les Echos
- Glad, V. (2016, Novembre 10). l’An 2000 - R.I.P. les faits, Liberation
Edited Books and Special Journal Issues
- Editor, (2023). Re-thinking Mediations of Post-truth Politics and Trust: Globality, Culture, Affect, London: Routledge.
(2018) “The Nuit Debout Social Movement: Communication, Politics and the Counter-production of ‘Everynight Life,’” International Journal of Communication, 12, 1819-1927
(With Mark Hayward) “Cultural Studies and the Popular,” special issue of Communication, Culture, & Critique, 6:2 (Summer 2013)
(in press). "Three Critiques of Disinformation (for-hire) Scholarship: Definitional Vortexes, Disciplinary Unneighborliness, and Cryptonormativity," Social Media+Society.
“Aggro-Truth: (Dis-)Trust, Toxic Masculinity, and the Cultural Logic of Post-Truth Politics.” The Communication Review 24 (2): 133–66 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1080/10714421.2021.1947740.
- “Post-Truth Reflections on Public Origins and Functions of Publishing.” Information, Medium, and Society: Journal of Publishing Studies 19 (1): 7–19 (2021). https://doi.org/10.18848/2691-1507/CGP/v19i01/7-19.
- “Toxic White Masculinity, Post-Truth Politics and the COVID-19 Infodemic.” European Journal of Cultural Studies, August 2020, 136754942094493. https://doi.org/10.1177/1367549420944934.
- “The Nuit Debout Social Movement: Communication, Politics and the Counter-production of ‘Everynight Life,’” International Journal of Communication, 12 (2018), 1819–1839.
- [Introduction to interview and co-translation] “Toward a Creative Activism With a Sense of Humor: An Interview With François Ruffin,” International Journal of Communication 12 (2018), 1–13.
- “Post-Truth Populism: the French Anti-Gender Theory Movement and Cross-cultural Similarities,” Communication, Culture, & Critique, vol. 11, no. 1, 1 March 2018: 35–52, https://doi.org/10.1093/ccc/tcx017
- “A Critical Guide to Fake News: From Comedy to Tragedy,” Pouvoirs, revue française d’études constitutionnelles et politiques, n°164, 164 - La Datacratie, p.99-119. http://www.revue-pouvoirs.fr/A-Critical-Guide-to-Fake-News-From.html (January, 2018).
- “Trump l’Œil: Is Trump’s Post-Truth Communication Translatable?” Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, vol. 21, no. 5, Oct. 2017, 512–22.
- “Cultural Racist Frames in TF1’s French Banlieue Riots Coverage.” French Politics, Culture & Society 33 (3) (2015): 47–73.
- “Regimes of Post-Truth, Post-politics, and Attention Economies” Communication, Culture & Critique, 8 (2) (2015): 327-333
- (with Mark Hayward) Chinese Translation of “Stuart Hall’s ‘Deconstructing the Popular’: Reconsiderations 30 years Later.” Foreign Theoretical Trends, edited by Zhang Liang (Fall 2014). Originally published in Communication, Culture & Critique 6 (2) (Summer 2013): 201-207.
- “Public Argument in the New Media Ecology: New Spatialities, Temporalities, and Cognitions,” Argumentation in Context 3 (1) (2014): 7-34.
- “The French Democracy": Mapping Promise and Limitation of Glocal Digital Protest,” Communication, Culture, & Critique 7 (2014): 174-191.
- “‘WTF was Kony 2012?’ Considerations for ‘Communication’ and ‘Critical Cultural Studies,’” Communication & Critical/Cultural Studies (August 2013): 1-8.
- “Interview with Armand Mattelart” (sole translator; interviewer with James Hay and Jim Cohen), Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies (Spring 2013): 1-16.
- (Invited article) “Dallas at the Elysée: French Political Communication Today,” Political Communication Report, 22(2) (July 2012). (Online publication of the International Communication Association and American Political Science Association’s Political Communication Division). http://www.politicalcommunication.org/newsletter_22_2_france.html (approx. 2,000 words)
- "Cultural Studies and/of Economic Rights: Neglect and Promise." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 9:1 (2012): 1-31.
- “The Plague 2.0: Soderbergh’s Contagion and Global Convergence Culture.” Bright Lights Film Journal, 75 (2012). Available online at http://brightlightsfilm.com/75/75contagion_harsin.php
- “Digital Rhetoric and the Circulation of Protest: The French Banlieue Riots Turn Five,” Flow, 13.8 (2011). Available online at http://flowtv.org/2011/03/digital-rhetoric-and-circulation-of-protest/
- “Communication and Academic Labor: A Perspective from France.” International Journal of Communication 5 (Fall 2011): 1737-1744. Available online at http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/issue/view/6
- “Wikileaks’ Lessons for Media Theory and Politics,” Flow, 13.6 (2011). Available at http://flowtv.org/2011/05/flow-favorites-wikileaks-lessons-for-media-theory-and-politics/
- “That’s Democratainment: Obama, Rumor Bombs, and Primary Definers,” Flow 13.1(2010). Available online at http://flowtv.org/2010/10/thats-democratainment/
- "Lost Histories of American Economic Rights," Cultural Studies, May (2010): 333-355.
- “The Responsible Dream: On Waltz with Bashir.” Bright Lights Film Journal 44 (2009). Available online at http://brightlightsfilm.com/63/63waltz.php
- “The Rumor Bomb: On Convergence Culture and Politics,” Flow 9.4 (2008). Available online at http://flowtv.org/2008/12/the-rumor-bomb-on-convergence-culture-and-politics-jayson-harsin-american-university-of-paris/
- “The Rumor Bomb: A Convergence Theory of Contemporary Mediated American Politics,” Southern Review: Politics, Communication, Culture (Spring 2006): 84-110.
- “Eco-Apocalypse and the PowerPoint Film: An Inconvenient Truth,” Bright Lights Film Journal 53 (2006).
- “Manderlay: Von Trier’s Brechtian Gamble,” Bright Lights Film Journal 51 (2006).
- “Passing and the American Identity Machine: Race, Class and Sexuality in USA,” John Dos Passos Newsletter. Number 8 (Summer 2001): 1-11. Reprinted in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau, Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning (2014), 176-186.
Book Chapters
(in press). "Post-truth," Oxford Research Encyclopedia.
- (2023). "Post-truth as Globalizing Public Mood (Indefinite, Anxious, Dystopic)," in Re-thinking Mediations of Post-truth Politics and Trust: Globality, Culture, Affect, ed. Jayson Harsin, 1-26.
- Harsin, J. (2019). Political Attention: A Genealogy of Reinscriptions. In W. Doyle & C. Roda Eds.),Communication in the Era of Attention Scarcity (pp. 75–111). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20918-6_7
- Harsin, J. H. (2019). Post-Truth and Critical Communication. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Communication and Critical Cultural Studies. Retrieved fromhttps://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780190459611.001.0001/acref-9780190459611-e-757
- “Connecting and (Im-)mobilizing in Regimes of Post-truth: Strategic and Tactical Communication of the French Boycott School Day Campaign and Anti-Gender Theory Movement.” in Global Cultures of Contestation, eds. Esther Peeren, Jeroen de Kloet, Thomas Poell & Robin Celikates. Basingstoke: Palgrave (2017): 193-214.
- “Rumor Bombs as Managed Democracy in Convergence Culture” chapter 11 in G. Braun and G.L. Henderson eds. Propaganda and Rhetoric in Democracy: History, Theory, Analysis, Carbondale: SIU Press (2016): 202-222.
- “Lost Histories of Economic Rights” in M. Hayward ed. Cultural Studies and Finance Capitalism: New York: Routledge (2012): 51-73 (reprinted article from the journal Cultural Studies, 2010).
- "Diffusing the Rumor John Kerry is French, i.e. Haughty, Cowardly, Foppish, Socialist and Gay," in R. Given and S. Soule eds. The Diffusion of Social Movements, New York: Cambridge University Press (2010): 163-186.
- “Rumor Bombs: American Mediated Politics as Pure War.” In Cultural Studies, an Anthology, ed. Michael Ryan. New York: Blackwell (2008): 468-482.
- “You’re next Frenchy! An Episode in the Feudal American Public Sphere.” In La France dans le regard des Etats-Unis, ed. Frédéric Monneyrand. Perpignan/Montpelier : Presses Universitaires de Perpignan/Publications de l'Université Paul Valéry (2006).
- "Avant-Garde Argument, Spectacular Argument: the Challenge to the Challenge of the Avant-Garde," in Critical Problems in Argumentation: Selected Papers of the Thirteenth NCA/AFA Argumentation Conference, ed. Charles Willard. Washington DC: National Communication Association (2005): 136-143.
Conferences & Lectures
Invited Talks (past and forthcoming)
"Post-truth and the Covid-19 pandemic," invited talk, NYU PhD research seminar, convenor Radha Hegde, October 12, 2020.
“Publishing and Receiving in Post-truth Democracies: Why information overload is not the cause and media literacy is not the solution,” Plenary speaker lecture, Information, Medium & Society: Eighteenth International Conference on Publishing Studies, Venice, Italy, July 3, 2020.
- “Post-Truth and Liberal Democracy: Origins and Futures” Plenary Speaker Lecture, 7th International Congress on Social Sciences, Paris, June 16, 2019.
- « Quel est la situation post-verité en France ? Considerations des cas recents, » Forum francophone de Recherche (initiative de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie and The American University of Paris), April 25, 2019, Paris, France.
- “Post-truth Politics and Society: a Cultural Approach,” A New Culture of Truth? On the Transformation of Political Epistemologies since the 1960s, Max Weber Institute, Erfurt, Germany, October 6, 2018.
- “The Longer (historical) and broader (cultural) critique of fake news” Fake Days conference, Université Paris Diderot, April 9, 2018.
- “Emo-truth Style of Post-truth Populism: Popular Cultural Embeddeness,” Lecture Series « Analyses critiques des configurations populistes », École des hautes études en sciences sociales, April 7, 2018.
- “American Post-truth Political Communication: Causal Synergies,” École des hautes études en sciences sociales, February 12, 2018.
- “How We Got Trump (and He Us): A Cultural-Historical Theory of Trump’s Post-Truth Politics,” Trump: Year One, Université de Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, January 19, 2018.
- “Fake News and Post-Truth Politics: American and French Comparisons,” Université de Paris, La Sorbonne, December 12, 2017.
- “The Post-Truth Populist Wave,” « La stratégie populiste en Europe » conference, French Senate, Government of France, Paris, March 24, 2017.
- “Post-truth and Incivility (How Trump Happened Conjuncturally),” Civic Media Lab International Lecture Series, The American University of Paris, March 23 2017.
- “A Cultural Approach to Fake News and Post-Truth/Trust: Theorize to Strategize,” Keynote Address, Digital Methods Initiative’s “Fake News Sprint” conference, University of Amsterdam, March 6, 2017.
- “The Post-Truth U.S. Presidential Election,” Address to American University Board of Trustees,” Paris, France, October 22, 2016.
- “French Mediascapes and Public Life in Digital Transition,” Lecture to Visiting Rutgers University Journalism Students.” Paris, March 24, 2016.
- “Affect, Power, and Agency in Contemporary Attention Economies,” Lecture Series on Communication in the Era of Attention Scarcity.” American University of Paris, September 22, 2014
- “The Rumor Bomb as a Contemporary History of Social Media,” Weissman School of Arts & Sciences, Dean’s Lecture Series, Baruch College-CUNY, New York, April 24, 2014.
- “The New (?) Byte Rhetoric: Affect, Attention, and Circulation,” Northwestern University Working Paper Series in Communication Studies. November 2012.
- “The Rumor Bomb: This is What Vertiginous Democracy Looks Like,” paper presented at the Sage Foundation and Goldsmith’s College University of London conference “Is Democracy Possible…Today?” British Academy, London, UK, December 8, 2010.
- "The Rumor Bomb as Political Communication," University of Denver, April 15, 2009.
- “La Nuit Americaine,” evening of televised roundtable discussions about the American presidential election, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, November 4, 2008.
- “The Rumor ‘John Kerry is French,’” Conference, Contentious Politics and Knowledges, Cornell University, November 11, 2007.
- “Monsieur John Kerry: The Rumor Bomb Continued.” Dean’s Lecture Series, American University of Paris, May 3, 2006.
- “The Rumor Bomb and the Whirligig of Public Discourse.” Cultures, Languages and Civilizations Lecture Series, University of Ankara, Turkey, March 16, 2006).
- “The Rumor Bomb: Theorizing New and Old Trends in American Public Discourse, Media, and War.” St. Louis University, Madrid Campus, February 18, 2005.
- “The American. Economic Rights Imaginary.” Northeastern University Colloquium Series, Boston, MA, March 17, 2004.
- “Economic Rights and Taft-Hartley: Or How the Media Overwhelm/become Rhetoric.” Northwestern University Communication Studies Colloquium Series, Evanston, Illinois, February 2000.
Conference Presentations (past and accepted for forthcoming presentation)
"Reflections on Potential Affinities Between Post-truth and Populism," paper presentation at The European Consortium for Political Research, Prague, CZ, September 7, 2023.
"Liberal Representive Democracy as Always-Already 'Degenerated': Persuasive Industries and the Hatred of Democracy," paper presentation at Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (Institute for Human Sciences), Vienna, AU, June 21, 2023.
"Post-truth as Globalizing Public Mood: Anxious, Dystopic, Indefinite," paper presentation and roundtable for forthcoming book Re-thinking Mediations of Post-truth Politics, International Communication Association annual conference, Toronto, CA, May 23, 2023.
- “The Limits of Information/Disinformation for Post-Truth Critical Communication Theory” International Communication Association Annual Conference, Paris, France, May 30, 2022.
- “From Emo- to Aggro-truth Politics: Hyper-Masculinity and Transposable Dispositions.” International Communication Association Annual Conference, Online, May 22, 2021.
- “Donald Trump’s Emo-truth Politics: a Critical Cultural Approach,” Cultural Studies Association annual conference, New Orleans, May 28, 2019.
- “Right-wing Emotional Truth Populism,” International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic, May 28, 2018.
- “Propaganda and Post-truth: A genealogy,” International Communication Association, San Diego, California, May 26, 2017.
- “‘They Require Children to Learn Masturbation’: the French Anti-Gender Theory in Schools Movement,” Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Association for Cultural Studies, Sydney, Australia. Accepted for presentation December 17, 2016.
- “A Hard Day’s Night: High and Low-Tech Night Tactics in Nuit Debout,” Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Association for Cultural Studies, Sydney, Australia. Accepted for presentation December 17, 2016.
- “Gender Theory in the Primary School Rumor Bombs: Political De-/Promotion in Post-Truth Society,” Powers of Promotion, International Communication Association Pre-conference, Finnish Embassy, Tokyo, Japan, June 8, 2016.
- “Transitory Digital Organizing, Mobilizing and Precarious Political Cohesion.” Global Cultures of Contestation Conference. Amsterdam Centre for Globalization Studies. Amsterdam, Netherlands. October 16, 2015.
- “Citizen Participation, Popular Epistemologies, and Theories of Post-democracy: The Gender Theory in French Primary Schools Rumor Bomb, European Communication Research and Education Association Conference, Communication and Democracy Division, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 10, 2015.
- “Populisms within Regimes of Post-Truth and Post-political Strategies: The Manif Pour Tous Movement.” International Communication Association. May 22, 2015, San Juan Puerto Rico.
- “Framing the 2005 Banlieue Riots on France’s Most-Watched TV channel,” National Communication Association, November 21, 2014, Chicago, Illinois.
- “Global Populisms, Post-politics, and Regimes of Post-Truth,” Conference “Whose Voice: Media and Global Populisms,” Baruch College, New York, NY, October 25, 2014.
- “Globalization of Rumor Bombs?” International Conference on Media and Popular Culture, May 30, 2014, Vienna, Austria.
- “Attention Economy, Affect, and Circulatory Control,” Paper Presented in the Philosophy, Theory, Critique Division, International Communication Association Conference, “Political Affective Communication” panel, June 2013, London, UK.
- “The Rumor Bomb Barack Obama is Muslim: Political Vertigo or Rorschach Test?” Competitive Paper Presented in the Political Communication Division, National Communication Association Annual Conference, November 2012, Orlando, FL.
- “Rumor Bombs as Brands: Affective Circulation and Attention Capital,” Paper Presented at the International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, July 5, 2012, Paris, France.
- “Affect, Circulation and Attention Control: New Developments in the Integrated Spectacle,” Paper presented on Guy Debord and Cultural Studies panel at the International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, July 6, 2012, Paris, France.
- “Mediating Indignation: Five Years of Research on the French Banlieue Riots,” Paper Presented at the Cultural Studies Association Conference, March 24, 2011, Chicago.
- “Othering the Banlieue Riots: French Identity in the Mediatized Public Sphere,” Paper Presented at the National Communication Association Conference, Pre-conference on Identity and the Public Sphere, November 13, 2010, San Francisco.
- “The Rumor Bomb 'Barack Obama is a Muslim',” International Political Science Association Workshop on E-democracy and Political Communication, May 23-25, 2010, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- “Jacques Rancière’s Theory of Aesthetics and Politics: Possibilities and Cautions for Rhetorical Theory,” National Communication Association Conference, November 15, 2009, Chicago, Illinois.
- “Machinima and the French Democracy: New Media and the 2005 Banlieue Riots," Paper presented with Adrienne Russell at the International Communications Association Conference, May 21, 2009, Chicago, Illinois.
- “The Lost Histories of American Economic Rights,” Paper presented at the Cultural Studies Association (North America) conference, April 16, 2009, Kansas City, Missouri.
- (with Waddick Doyle) "TF1's Five Frames for the Banlieue Riots," AUP—Universite' de Paris-Dauphine conference on Postcolonialism and Culture, March 27, 2009.
- “American Popular Discourses of Economic Rights: A Conjunctural History,” Paper presented at the National Communications Association, November 2008, San Diego, California.
- “The Rumor Bomb: Conceptualizing War and Peace in Political Communication,” Paper presented at the 2008 International Communications Association conference, May 2008, Montreal, Canada.
- “A Theory of Politics and Branding,” Paper presented with Waddick Doyle at the International Media and Communications Research conference, June 2007, Paris, France.
- “The Rumor ‘John Kerry is French,’” Accepted for presentation at the 2007 International Communications Association, San Francisco, May 24, 2007 [unable to present due to bicycle accident and hospitalization].
- “Branding and ‘Presidenting’: Media and Belief in Berlusconi and Bush.” Paper presentation at the Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2006. (with Waddick Doyle)
- “Contemporary Political Image-making: Toward a Theory of Political Branding,” Paper Presented at the American University Symposium on Politics and Branding, Paris, France, May 28, 2006.
- “‘The French Democracy’: On New Media and Global Public Address.” Paper presentation at the NYU/American University of Paris Conference on Cultural Diversity and International Affairs. (with Adrienne Russell), March 30, 2006.
- “The Rumor Bomb ‘John Kerry is French,’” Conference “la France dans l’égard des Etats-Unis,” Université de Montpellier—Paul Valéry, Montpellier, France, October 6, 2005.
- “The Rumor Bomb: Re-theorizing American Public Discourse from the Perspective of Pure War,” Conference on Media and Belief, American University of Paris, France, March 4, 2005.
- “Franklin D. Roosevelt and the ‘Lunatic Fringe’: Becoming Radical as Becoming Liberal,” National Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 14, 2004.
- “Modern Liberal Autarky: Economizing the Public,” National Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 12, 2004.
- “Reagan’s Economic Bill of Rights, FDR’s Economic Bill of Rights: Conjuncture, Ideology and how meaning gets in the public form,” National Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 12, 2004.
- “Toward a Theory of Avant-Garde Argument,” The 13th ALTA Conference on Argumentation, Alta, Utah, August 1, 2003.
- “Cultural Turns in Rhetorical Studies: dead ends and future prospects,” American Society for the History of Rhetoric Pre-conference on Rhetoric and Culture, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 19, 2002 (with Ron Greene).
- “Toward a Genealogy of Economic Rights: ER Dead or/and Alive,” National Communication Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1, 2001.
- “Country Music Roots: Toward a Criticism For a Usable Past,” National Communication Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1, 2001.
- “Introducing Billy Bragg, Reintroducing Woody Guthrie: Memory, Articulation, and the Oxymoron of Radical Patriotism,” National Communication Association Annual Convention, Seattle, Washington, November 11, 2000.
- “Text, Context, Audience—New Developments in Rhetorical Criticism (or old developments in cultural studies)?” National Communication Association Annual Convention, Seattle Washington, November 9, 2000.
- “Will the Real Site of Agency Please Stand Up? the Problem of Mediation and Intertextuality in Rhetorical Studies,” University of Iowa and Northwestern University Graduate Student Conference, Iowa City, Iowa, September 2000.
- “The Taft Hartley Act in a Global Rhetorical Conjuncture,” Top Debut Paper, Public Address Division, National Communication Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 1999.
- “The Taft-Hartley Act: A Polyhedron of Rhetorical Intelligibility,” The National Communication Association’s Doctoral Honors Seminar, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Summer 1999.
- “Taft-Hartley and the Cold War Conjuncture: The Subjugation of Economic Rights,” Rutgers University Ninth Annual Interdisciplinary Conference for Graduate Scholarship: “The ‘American Century’ in the Americas, 1898-1998—Politics, Culture, History,” New Brunswick, New Jersey, Spring 1999.
Research Affiliate, Institute for Global Culture & Communication, Northwestern University
Research Affiliate, Center for Transcultural Studies
Research Areas
* Journalism and politics
* Online attention economy
* Algorithms
* Emotion
* Belief, facts, truth
* Popular culture and politics
* Rhetoric and persuasion
* Democracy
* Civic participation
* Media Ethics
* Lying
* Trust
* Communication and cognition
* International Communication Association
* International Association for Media and Communication Research
* Political Studies Association
* European Consortium for Political Research
* Center for Transcultural Studies
* Association for Cultural Studies