Accessibility FAQs

Browse our frequently asked questions below to learn more about accessibility and support at AUP whether you are a student, faculty or you hope to apply. If you have any additional questions please feel free to reach out to us directly on


General Questions

What is a disability?

According to French law, a disability is the limitation of activity or restriction in participation in the social environment suffered by a person due to a substantial, enduring or definitive alteration of one or several physical, sensorial, intellectual, cognitive or psychic functions, multiple disabilities or a disabling health disorder. We support all AUP students providing services and accommodations when possible for health conditions, learning difficulties, disabilities and some temporary injuries.

Get more information about learning difficulties.


Because of my disability I'm anxious about starting university. Can I visit the campus before the semester starts to understand how to get to my lectures, and get to know my surroundings?

Of course! We are happy to welcome you to campus ahead of orientation to help you navigate around campus and the local neighborhood. Please reach out to Student Development on to arrange a visit.

Are there support groups on campus to help me settle in?

At AUP, you can join multiple student organizations dedicated to celebrating and supporting diversity in our community but if you don’t find what you’re looking for we encourage you to consider starting an organization of your own. Discover all the organizations on campus at

I would like to go on a Cultural Program trip but I am worried it will not be possible, who can I speak to about ensuring the trip will be accessible for me?

Contact the Cultural Program office as soon as possible at the start of the semester to look at your study trip plans. Reach out to them on or stop by the office on the 3rd floor of the Combes Student Life Center.

Who can I talk to about finding local amenities – banking, phone providers, grocery stores – that offer accessible services?

You can (reach out to the Student Helpdesk by email) or drop by to speak with them in person on the fourth floor of the Combes building.

I would like to take part in athletic activities while at the University, is this possible?

The activities on offer through our athletics office vary year to year based on students’ interest and we would love to hear from you if you have an idea for a sport or activity you would like to take part in. Our coordinator would be glad to meet with you to explore opportunities for keeping fit or getting involved in one of the many activities on campus. You can contact or drop by the 3rd floor of the Combes Student Life Center.

I would like to undertake an internship but I don’t know how to go about finding one that can accommodate my needs, can you help?

Our career and internship office is dedicated to helping all current students find the right internship placement. Please reach out to our the Internship Coordinator, on ​

What support can the careers team give me in preparing for the job market?

Our careers team are here to offer personalized advice to every AUP student. They will be there to support you and help you present yourself in the strongest possible way as you step head out into the job market. You can contact them at

Health Care

I have a pre-existing medical condition that requires regular appointments and tests, will I be covered by my health care plan?

As a member of the AUP community, you have access to a comprehensive health care plan that guarantees excellent medical coverage at an affordable price. Coverage begins from the first day of orientation, meaning you’ll receive health care reimbursements from day one. Learn more about the health care plan at

How can I find out about what support and services are available in the French health care system to help me manage my disability?

Our Health Office is dedicated to supporting you and helping you smoothly navigate the French health system. To make an appointment or reach out for advice, contact or call 01 47 05 33 49.

I have a long-term illness which can affect my attendance. Will this cause problems?

We endeavor to help all our students by offering them the flexibility and support they need to excel while at AUP. There are, however, policies on attendance for current students that may impact on your ability to complete credits and finish your studies by your expected graduation year. Reach out to to make a plan for your studies.

What do I do if I need to take a break from studying for health reasons?

Health is a priority and the options would be to ask for a leave of absence or a University Withdrawal to the (Dean of Student Development).

How do I obtain disability status in France?

Obtaining disability status in France will entitle you to certain rights and assistance. The procedure is individual and confidential, once you have disability status it is up to you to inform the University or your employer.

To apply for disability status you need to reach out to the MDPH in your department of residence. Foreign students are entitled to apply after they’ve been resident for three months. Please be aware, this process takes a long time! Make sure you submit it well in advance. For help, contact the Health Office at

Getting Around

Is Paris accessible?

We recognize that there can be additional challenges associated with starting university and moving to Paris as a disabled student, and the getting around can be a serious concern. We encourage you to reach out to the Student Development Team ahead of your arrival to support you in making the transition.

French law requires that new buildings and existing public buildings must be accessible to people with a disability. However, existing buildings and public transport systems don't all meet these requirements yet. The city is constantly improving accessibility for public spaces, transport and retail spaces.

Did you know? On the RATP website you can search for accessible journey itineraries by ticketing the box next to your departure station.

For additional information on public transportation, don’t hesitate to look at the SNCF’s webpage.

To learn more about getting around the city and for advice on eating out, getting around, visiting museums and monuments and making the most of your time here you can download the ‘Accessible Paris’ guide (available in English).

How can I find out where the accessible entry points, classrooms and facilities on campus are?

The majority of the campus is accessible to students with mobility limitations through ramps and elevators, however it is important to note that not every classroom or facility will be. Each building also offers accessible bathrooms.

Click here for a detailed campus map showing where accessible entry points, classrooms and facilities are located. 
On-campus accessibility support

If your class has been scheduled in a room you cannot access, or if you have two classes back-to-back in different campus buildings and you are worried you won’t be able to make it on time, you can contact the (Dean of Student Development) for support no later than the end of the drop/add week.


What do I do if I have special housing needs?

Our Residential Life team are here to help you throughout your studies to find a home that you are happy and comfortable in. Accessibly accommodation is harder to secure in Paris than in many cities and while we will do our best to ensure you find the ideal home we cannot guarantee that we can meet all needs. We strongly recommend that you contact them as soon as possible after your acceptance to outline your particular needs so that they can find appropriate solutions for you. Learn more about the office at

Are there accessible BlueStripe apartments for my first year?

BlueStripe does offer some accessible apartments. Signal your need for accessible housing right away when you start the housing registration process and the team will be sure to prioritize your placement depending on what your needs are. Please (contact the housing team) with any additional questions. 

Reporting an Incident

I experienced an incident of bias on the AUP campus, who do I report it to?

If you experience any kind of bias on campus, AUP has procedures in place for reporting and investigating these incidents. Please reach out to us on

FAQs for Staff and Faculty

How do I ask a student about their disability?

Asking a student for more details regarding their disability is not permitted as the confidentiality of medical information must be maintained. It is an individual’s choice whether to disclose the nature of their disability.

What are suggestions for working with students with disabilities?

Each student is unique and there is no one size fits all approach but here are some tips for engaging with and supporting a student with disabilities:

  • Remember that not all disabilities are visible.
  • Be mindful of the fact that not everyone with a disability wishes to discuss it or its limitations.
  • Always ask before you help, it may not always be wanted. Respect the student’s independence.
  • Be honest about your own limitations and don’t be hesitant about reaching out for additional support.
  • Be patient and communicate naturally, do not fake understanding.
  • Be sensitive to emotional stress or triggers, and consider the content of your classes within that context.
  • Focus on the person, not the disability. Do not bring it up unless it is relevant.
  • Provide class information in accessible and electronic formats where necessary. For advice on sourcing accessible class materials please speak with the (Teaching and Learning Center)
  • To support a student with learning difficulties, try to minimize environmental distractions (screen savers, noise etc) and use multiple methods to deliver information.
Who can I speak to about setting up the necessary academic accommodations?

To set up exam accommodations you can contact the (Academic Resource Center)To discuss additional accommodations and see if it would be possible to provide them in the classroom you can (contact the Teaching and Learning Center).

Who determines the validity of learning accommodation?

Students are encouraged to reach out to the (student guidance counselor) who will arrange for them to be tested by off-campus specialists who are qualified in testing for American higher educational environments. Those recommendations are then shared with faculty at the student’s request.

What should I do if a student discloses a disability?

Staff and faculty must adhere to medical confidentiality and cannot share information about a disability unless given explicit permission to do so by the student. Encourage the student to reach out to the (student guidance counselor )as the initial contact for disability support services.

What should I know about privacy policies regarding disabilities?
I am running a study trip with a student who requires accommodations, how can I best support them?

To the extent possible we aim to ensure that all students have access to the programs and trips available at AUP. Please (contact the Cultural Programs office) as soon as possible to look at the trip itinerary and assess accessibility concerns.

What if a student with a disability is often absent or is struggling in class?

Talk with the student to discuss your concerns that absences are affecting class performance. Remind him or her of the University policy on class absences. Determine with the student whether the missed work can be made up and make arrangements with the student to do so. Refer the student to their advisor if too much work is being missed.

If the student is struggling, treat them the same way that you would any student who is not performing well in your class. Invite them to your office hours to discuss the reasons behind their performance and what resources might be available to help them improve. Encourage them to reach out to the Student Development team for additional support.

What should I do if my class needs to evacuate in an emergency?
  • Students should let you know at the beginning of the semester if they will need assistance during an emergency.
  • Students who are blind or have low vision may need assistance to help them exit the building.
  • Some students with head injuries or psychiatric disabilities may become confused or disoriented during an emergency and may also require your assistance.
  • In the event of a fire, students who use wheelchairs should NOT use the elevator but should wait for Security to safely assist them to exit the building. Security has the schedules of students who will need emergency evacuation. Faculty or other untrained staff members should not attempt to evacuate a student who uses a wheelchair. Please wait for trained emergency personnel.

Please (contact the campus security team) if you have questions or concerns.