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Search results

  1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Film Screening

    none Join the Psychology Department for the film screening of "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". Drinks and Snacks will be served.   Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a 2004 American science fiction romantic comedy directed by Miche ...

  2. The Ethical Potential and Dangers of Narratives: Six Evaluative Continuums

    none This talk by Professor Hanna Meretoja addresses the ways in which narrative hermeneutics allows us to analyze and evaluate narratives from an ethical perspective. It presents a heuristic model for evaluating the ethical potential and dangers of diffe ...

  3. Peace and Conflict in Colombia

    none Lecture by federal judge Dr. Lucy Jeannette Bermúdez Bermúdez on "The Peace Process and Democratic System in Colombia: The Role of Electoral Jurisdiction in Post-Conflict Situations." The lecture is in Spanish but will be translated simulta ...

  4. Network and Nibble

    none This is the pilot event for a LinkedIn networking event. Careers faculty member, Danielle Savage, will give a short presentation on what LinkedIn is, and how to improve your network. After her presentation, students will have the opportunity to promo ...

  5. The Cost of Living: A Reading and Talk by Deborah Levy

    none By invitation of the Center for Writers & Translators,  Deborah Levy  will read from the middle volume of her “living autobiography,”  The Cost of Living,  and discuss her work at the intersection of fiction and autobiography. Levy is a South-Afr ...

  6. Live Your Democracy, a Talk by Activist and Public Policy Maker, Joseph Robertson

    none Last month, in honor of the upcoming U.S. Midterm elections, AUP hosted climate change activist and public policy maker, Joseph Robertson. Robertson is the Global Strategy Director for the non-partisan, non-profit Citizens’ Climate Lobby and led a ta ...

  7. Wine & Cheese Tasting in 17th Century Cheese Cellar

    none Learn about cheese in an authentic and professional environment! Enjoy tasting and pairing exceptional cheeses with wonderful wines, in the 17th century cheese cellar of the Marais cheese shop! Your English-speaking guide will be the fromager himself ...

  8. Wine & Cheese Tasting in 17th Century Cheese Cellar

    none Learn about cheese in an authentic and professional environment! Enjoy tasting and pairing exceptional cheeses with wonderful wines, in the 17th century cheese cellar of the Marais cheese shop! Your English-speaking guide will be the fromager himself ...

  9. Chocolate Tasting Tour

    none Discover the history of chocolate and why Paris is the capital of fine chocolate. Visit a variety of excellent chocolatiers and learn using all five senses, including taste! Learn how to choose and appreciate quality chocolate. Minimum: 12 participan ...

  10. Women, Youth and Democracy in Afghanistan

    none A presentation of recent events in Afghanistan and their relating to the longer term prospects of building an Afghan version of democracy by Nasrine Gross, Afghan Activist. 100 Related Links About Nasrine Gross ...
