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  1. Update on Remote Learning

    scheduled at times that are compatible for students residing in a diversity of time zones. We will not be ...

  2. First Weeks at AUP takes over Social Media

    the rush of new potential and opportunity. After a great Orientation week this Fall semester that ...

  3. History of Political Economy (HoPE) Seminar

    bearing on the multiple historical connections between economics and broader social concerns. Fall ...

  4. Speed-Friending and Networking with Alumni and Students

    question prompts and icebreaker discussion topics. The event will be completely structured, guided, ...

  5. BA1020 Foundations Of Management

    human behavior. The course will look at management and organization topics from different domains, such ...

  6. BA3012 Business Ethics And Csr

    marketing, operations, strategy, organizational behaviour, finance and accounting. Topical areas will be ...

  7. CM3053 Media & Gender

    contexts. Topics of study will include gender roles, body image, empowerment, spectatorship and performance, ...

  8. CM5073 Media, Cultures And Society In The Arab World

    its political impact, and the way some Islamist movements deal with or use the Media are topics to ...

  9. CM5076 Food, Culture & Communication

    public, individual and collective. The topic also offers an excellent window into questions of power, and ...

  10. FM3063 The Art Of Documentary

    and even fictional, as a rich backdrop to researching a topic. This workshop class will introduce ...
