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Search results

  1. The Three Pillars and Four Fears of Liberalism

    On Thursday September 21st, the Center for Critical Democracy Studies will be hosting a presentation by Professor Alan Kahan (Université de Versailles) titled The Three Pillars and Four Fears of Liberalism. The event will be held at 5:30pm in the Center f ...

  2. Quel avenir pour nos démocraties? avec Perrine Simon-Nahum (Directrice du département de philosophie, ENS-Ulm)

    Comment restaurer l'idée de la démocratie à ceux qui pensent qu'elle les a abandonnées? Comment sortir du triomphe de l'individualisme et redonner goût de l'engagement, le désir d'une société d'égaux, une revendication de cit ...

  3. J'ai Deux Amours: A Josephine Baker Symposium

    Actress, artist, and activist, Josephine Baker was a whole revolution unto herself, showing us new ways of being in the world. This symposium celebrates her many avatars and the artists who have been inspired by her life and keep her legacy alive. Over Oc ...

  4. Shaping Degas’s Dancers, on Stage, in Wax, in the Press

    Andrea Christmas and Liliane Erhart, in conversation with Cary Hollinshead-Strick– ‘Shaping Degas’s Dancers, on Stage, in Wax, in the Press’.  The nineteenth century saw a progressive feminization of the ballet dancer and masculinization of the imagined a ...

  5. Poisoned bread, the CIA, and the psychedelic humanities

    Russell Williams, in conversation with Elizabeth Kinne, ‘Poisoned bread, the CIA, and the psychedelic humanities’.  History is weird. Did the CIA lace bread with LSD, and what happens when contemporary novelist Sophie Macintosh writes about it? Does psych ...

  6. Between Becomings: Narration and International Law

    Rashmi Dharia, in conversation with Sneharika Roy – ‘Between Becomings: Narration and International Law’. What is at stake in telling stories in the work of international law? How can thinking like a literature scholar help? This talk explores those quest ...

  7. Refusing to Be Silent: Engaged Conversations with Leading Intellectuals, book promotion

    How can we approach the world and guide our thinking in the face of profound, myriad challenges? The book seeks to formulate these challenges and develop ways to tackle them through a set of wide-ranging interviews with leading intellectuals of our times, ...

  8. Solidarity in Polarized Times: Isabelle Aubert and Rainer Forst

    On October 11th, the Center for Critical Democracy Studies will host Professors Isabelle Aubert (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and Rainer Forst (Goethe-Universität) for “Solidarity in Polarized Times,” an event which will bring both thinkers together for a discussio ...

  9. Solidarity vis-à-vis Recurring Issues

    Tomáš G. Masaryk, the Czech philosopher and statesman, wrote with optimism that the disasters of World War I ‘brought mankind closer together.’ In  The New Europe, Masaryk explained that ’Internationalism, more intimate than ever, has been fostered by thi ...

  10. Queering the Quai: Paris’ Magic City

    Patrick Preston, in conversation with Robert Payne,  ‘Queering the Quai: Paris’s Magic City.' There were drag balls at the Magic City, a pleasure space on the Quai d’Orsay and the Rue de l’Université (right near where AUP is now), from 1900-1934. How ...
