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Search results

  1. Presentation: Miranda Spieler with Cécile Vidal (EHESS) at CCDS

    none On Monday, November 14th at 18h15, Miranda Spieler (AUP) will give a talk titled "The Rise and Fall of André Lucidor, an African Swordsman in Paris (c.1718-1771): Race, Sexual Deviance, and the Problem of Freedom in the Eighteenth Century Capita ...

  2. Fabricating the Past: Symbolic Topography of the Former Warsaw Ghetto

    none This event is free and open to all. Registration is mandatory at least 48h in advance. Please use the form below to reserve a space; for additional information contact schaeffercenter The George & Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of G ...

  3. The Sweetgrass Method: H.O.P.E for Indigenous People

    none Most psychotherapeutic and counselling interventions for indigenous communities have been designed by—and  for —white people. Lack of cultural understanding and culturally insensitive programs are the primary reasons for treatment underutilization by ...

  4. The UPEL presents: Camille Cole (History, Cambridge) at CCDS

    none On January 25th, the United States Political Economy Lab will host Camille Cole (Cambridge) to present her paper titled “Properties of Belonging: Property, Nationality, and Family in the Late Ottoman Gulf of Basra.” The event will take place in room ...

  5. EcoJustic OER: Open Resources for Teaching Environmental Justice Topics at International Liberal Arts Institutions

    none This is the first session of a weekly seminar series on "Teaching and Research on Sustainability and the Environment at AUP," organized by the Joy and Edward Frieman Environmental Science Research Center. The aim of the seminar series is to ...

  6. Ecomedia Studies: The Climate Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies

    none This is the second session of a weekly seminar series on "Teaching and Research on Sustainability and the Environment at AUP," organized by the Joy and Edward Frieman Environmental Science Research Center. The aim of the seminar series is t ...

  7. A Mirror of the Cosmos: Film Screening and Discussion

    none This is the third session of a weekly seminar series on "Teaching and Research on Sustainability and the Environment at AUP," organized by the Joy and Edward Frieman Environmental Science Research Center. The aim of the seminar series is to ...

  8. Current Trends in the Environmental Humanities and Ecofeminist Fiction

    none This is the fourth session of a weekly seminar series on "Teaching and Research on Sustainability and the Environment at AUP," organized by the Joy and Edward Frieman Environmental Science Research Center. The aim of the seminar series is t ...

  9. Teaching and Mentored Research in the Environmental Sciences

    none This is the fifth session of a weekly seminar series on "Teaching and Research on Sustainability and the Environment at AUP," organized by the Joy and Edward Frieman Environmental Science Research Center. The aim of the seminar series is to ...

  10. Thoughts of a Classicist Boomer Teaching Environmental Ethics

    none This is the sixth session of a weekly seminar series on "Teaching and Research on Sustainability and the Environment at AUP," organized by the Joy and Edward Frieman Environmental Science Research Center. The aim of the seminar series is to ...
