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Search results

  1. Educide in Gaza

    What are the definitions of Ecocide, Urbicide, Domicide, Culturicide and Educide? Why do these definitions apply to the Gaza war? Why do many international humanitarian and human rights organizations, UN officials, and thousands of scholars consider this ...

  2. Cahiers Series: Mercy, Athena

    The CWT presents: Andrea Applebee The Chaiers Series- Mercy, Athena Having arrived from the United States to make a new life in Greece, Andrea Applebee gives a vivid account of the challenges and pleasures that await her as she learns a new language and m ...

  3. Anti-Social Capital: Community Cohesion and Tax Avoidance among American Elites

    On April 15th, 2024 the Center for Critical Democracy Studies will host: Anti Social Capital: Community Cohesion and Tax Avoidance among American Elite by Professor Yossi Harpa (Sociology, Tel Aviv Univeristy) Professor Harpaz is a tenured Senior Lecturer ...

  4. Les Conférences francophones: « Le jury terroir et la roue des arômes du Comté: goûter la diversité »

    S’il vous plaît, étant donné qu'une dégustation est impliquée, il est important de s'inscrire à la conférence ci-dessous. (Sinon, nous ne pourrons pas garantir qu'il y aura suffisamment de fromage pour tout le monde... et ce serait dommage. ...

  5. Perspectives on Academic Freedom: USA & Europe

    Join the AUP Center for Critical Democracy Studies for a symposium on the contemporary challenges and threats to academic freedom in the United States and Europe. Keynote address:  Robert C. Post  | Professor of Law, Yale Law School   Participants Olivier ...

  6. Vernissage: "Drawings, Something Old, Something New" by Joe Neill

    REGISTRATION REQUIRED The AUP community is warmly invited to the vernissage for "Drawings, Something Old, Something New" by Joe Neill in the Combes Fine Arts Gallery. Please fill out the form below to register.  The exhibition runs from May 22- ...

  7. Increasing Accountability and Reducing Polarization through Evaluative Voting with Dr. Pierre Etienne Vandamme

    The Center for Critical Democracy Studies presents: Increasing Accountability and Reducing Polarization through Evaluative Voting with Dr. Pierre-Etienne Vandamme (UC Louvain). Abstract: Outside of social choice theory, philosophical reflection on voting ...

  8. The Armenian Genocide: New Interpretations and Cross-Disciplinary Conversations

    From the 30th of June to the 2nd of July in 2025, The American University of Paris and the AGBU Nubar Library will host an international conference that will ask: how can the social sciences, memory studies, and genocide studies contribute to a broader un ...

  9. Public Memory and the Shoah

    ‘ The efficacy of memory practices for social betterment is most often taken axiomatically and uncritically as an established fact. This interdisciplinary workshop launched a discussion with scholars and practitioners from multiple disciplines and perspec ...

  10. The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education 2020 (September 25)

    5 Continents short normal-border At the heart of the event were 18 workshops, where interaction and live ... These events illustrated the strong wish of our international participants to share ideas, learn from ...
