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Search results

  1. Resume Drop-In

    none Stop by to have your resume or CV in French reviewed by a member of the Internship and Career Advising team. No need to make an appointment, just show up at any point during the session and there will be a sign in sheet to reserve a spot. Bring a fri ...

  2. Resume Drop-In

    none Stop by to have your resume or CV in French reviewed by a member of the Internship and Career Advising team. No need to make an appointment, just show up at any point during the session and there will be a sign in sheet to reserve a spot. Bring a fri ...

  3. Thinking About Law School?

    none Want to know more about the diversity of legal careers, including human rights, environment, immigration, child advocacy, feminist law, criminal justice, and business law?  Whether you are in the process of applying to law school right now or are con ...

  4. Ace the Interview

    none Are you currently on the job hunt or internship search, and looking to practice your interview skills?  Are you someone who gets nervous when thinking about a job interview?  If you answered YES to any of the above, then sign up for our Mock Intervie ...

  5. Ace the Interview

    none Are you currently on the job hunt or internship search, and looking to practice your interview skills?  Are you someone who gets nervous when thinking about a job interview?  If you answered YES to any of the above, then sign up for our Mock Intervie ...

  6. Ace the Interview

    none Are you currently on the job hunt or internship search, and looking to practice your interview skills?  Are you someone who gets nervous when thinking about a job interview?  If you answered YES to any of the above, then sign up for our Mock Intervie ...

  7. GPS Info Session for under class students- Global Professional Skills

    none If you are an undergraduate, degree-seeking student, you will be encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities during your time at AUP — whether it's volunteering with an international NGO, interning with your dream fashion designer, or ...

  8. GPS Info Session for under class students- Global Professional Skills

    none If you are an undergraduate, degree-seeking student, you will be encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities during your time at AUP — whether it's volunteering with an international NGO, interning with your dream fashion designer, or ...

  9. GPS Info Session for under class students- Global Professional Skills

    none If you are an undergraduate, degree-seeking student, you will be encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities during your time at AUP — whether it's volunteering with an international NGO, interning with your dream fashion designer, or ...

  10. GPS Info Session for under class students- Global Professional Skills

    none If you are an undergraduate, degree-seeking student, you will be encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities during your time at AUP — whether it's volunteering with an international NGO, interning with your dream fashion designer, or ...
