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Search results

  1. CM4095 Senior Project

    including iconography and illustrative material, or a strategic business plan for a journalism or media ...

  2. CM5002 Brands And Belief

    to identify with and believe in brands. It includes an analysis of how brands work as systems for ...

  3. CS3051 Web Applications

    to online technologies and provide the foundations and skills needed for creating professional web ...

  4. FM1019 Principles Of Video Production

    them to pursue questions about the world around you. This course will prepare you for future video work ...

  5. CM1011 Journalism: Writing & Reporting

    a hard news story. The course will provide workshop training for students involved in ASM courses focused ...

  6. AH3065 Pop Art And Pop Culture

    is the notion that culture is a sphere apart, with each art distinct, and it is a bad word for most ...

  7. CM5850 Editorship

    leadership roles in the AUP student media such as Art Director or Deputy Art Director. Editorships count for ...

  8. EC4037 Multi-disciplinary Perspect On Polit'l Econ As the bridge-course for the major in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, this team-taught course ...

  9. PL4037 Multi-disciplinary Perspect On Polit'l Econ As the bridge-course for the major in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, this team-taught course ...

  10. PO4037 Multi-disciplinary Perspect On Polit'l Econ As the bridge-course for the major in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, this team-taught course ...
