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Search results

  1. Diversity Council

    learning around the multitude of differences that define our community. Liaise with the task force working ...

  2. Degree Requirements & Worksheets

    major is designed a bit differently. They all have some core courses that all students within the major ...

  3. Study Trips & Classes

    were taken to different sites, including the former Warsaw Ghetto, the new Polin Museum and the ...

  4. Virtual Lab

    your personal computer in a different window, and vice versa.  For example, if you have text that has ...

  5. English Courses

    at different ways in which literature has represented “altered states”. What are the different sorts ... of normality? Among the different sorts of “ecstasy” which we shall look at are those induced by ... differences between the United States and other parts of the world, notably Europe. This course examines texts ...

  6. Bridging culture and curriculum: Dr. Christy Shields’ innovative work on food offers opportunities for experiential learning

    There, she discovered not just a different food production system, but a way of life based on local ...

  7. International & Comparative Politics

    corporate and civil. At a time when the interactions among different political actors affect all our ...

  8. Philosophy

    articulate philosophy’s different disciplines. As you choose courses that focus on your philosophical ...

  9. Fine Arts

    visual imagination and learn how to construct complex forms with different mediums. Many of your classes ...

  10. Seta Kazandjian

    Kazandjian, S. & Borod, J.C. (2007). Cross-Cultural Differences on Nonverbal Neuropsychological Tests. ...
