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I first learned about AUP when I was looking at the rankings of universities that offered graduate studies in International Affairs and Political Sciences. Ultimately, I choose AUP because of the two-year Master of Arts in International Affairs program. Beyond covering a wide range of issues that are central to international relations, the degree also offers you the exceptional opportunity of adding the prestigious University of Paris I-Sorbonne to your experience and resume.

At the end of this bilingual program you will graduate with an AUP degree and a certificate from the Sorbonne, and will have gained an added insight from experiencing the French and the American educational system at the same time. In fact, the two teaching and learning methods are very different, and so are the approaches and material covered when addressing world politics and the main topics of international relations today. It is interesting to see these differences and trace them back to the positions that France and the United States hold in the international arena. The program also guarantees a professional proficiency level of both English and French, adding to your post-AUP employability. 

The courses are enriching and imbue the students with crucial knowledge on a variety of issues that include human rights law, gender issues, international security, peace and stability, civil society development and the philosophical foundations of global relations. The flexibility of the university allows you to design your curricula according to your interests and also your availability if you are working part-time. Among my favorite classes was the École de Guerre practicum with Professor Susan Perry, a war simulation where AUP students play the role of the humanitarians. Besides being ideal for us to get familiar with humanitarian intervention in conflict-affected settings, this exercise brings the opportunity to work closely with officials from the French military, ambassadors and diplomats, as well as students from other institutions, namely Science Po.

The professors have been a key part of my experience in AUP for their professional and human qualities. Professors Susan Perry and Ali Rahnema stand out not only for the passion they put into teaching and the quality of their lectures, but also for the guidance and support that they have offered throughout my journey at AUP. Their willingness to help both in academics and personal issues is very appreciated in this transitional period from school to working. They have played a key role in getting me closer to my career and life goals.

Although it was not strictly in a classroom, every minute spent in India offered a lesson to be learned.

Patricia Molinos Ruperez

I love the style and dynamics of the classes, based on student participation and continuous interaction, with the teacher as some sort of moderator. This makes our classrooms the perfect environment for exchanging ideas and learning more about the diverse backgrounds of the students. I particularly enjoyed the process and result of our presentations – from preparing a topic and getting feedback from the professor to actually presenting in class, being challenged and creating debate.

One of my strongest AUP memories is the Cultural Program Study Trip which I did as part of the Sustainable Development Practicum in Auroville, India, from December 2017 to January 2018. Although it was not strictly in a classroom, every minute spent in India offered a lesson to be learned. Through interning at a local NGO, the class had the opportunity to work closely with the community and acquire expertise in the field of each student´s interest, such as LGBTQ rights, children’s rights, gender equality and women’s empowerment. This practicum is the best initiative I can think of for raising awareness on the harmful impact that climate change, extreme poverty, inequalities and discriminatory social norms have in some parts of the world that we do not often hear much about in our comfortable realities. 

Paris…this sometimes stressful but beautifully breath-taking city has been the scenario for personal growth and change at all levels. I arrived when I was 21, full of energy and eagerness to, like we say in Spanish, “comerme el mundo” – which means living to the fullest and doing as many things as you can. With time I have learned to normalize living alone and focus on my studies and life goals, in what I believe is an ongoing journey towards maturity and a necessary process for having the perfect balance between personal and professional life.

AUP played a key role in the process of getting an internship with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) during my last semester at AUP that eventually turned into a job offer. My current position as an External Consultant supporting work of the OECD-DAC Network on Gender Equality, the GENDERNET, is the perfect start for building a successful career in the field of development, gender equality and policy making, and it would have been very difficult to accomplish without the internship that AUP´s Center for Academic, Internship and Career Advising assisted me with.

The quality of AUP´s master´s degree in International Affairs is reflected in the personalized attention, support and assistance offered to students, which is key for those of us whose family is not in Paris. The wide range of professional networking opportunities that result from AUP’s diverse community also adds to this feeling of quality.