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MA in Global Communications – Digital Cultures and Industries Track 

How did you find out about AUP? 

I first heard about AUP from my family friend and mentor Wanja Laiboni. She graduated from AUP in 2007 and currently runs her own sustainable fashion brand: SIWWAA. I remember, at the time, I was looking for a great master’s program but had never heard of AUP. Wanja described her time here fondly; she credits the AUP family as something that had a huge impact on her life. 

Any AUP highlights so far? 

I have most enjoyed learning about global issues around technology. I have several classes that have taught me about surveillance, privacy, disinformation, Big Data, digital diplomacy, EdTech and global cultures. I find myself intrigued by how technology can be used as a catalyst for change, whether for social justice or to grow and develop communities. Before the pandemic, I was fortunate enough to put theory into practice by traveling as part of AUP’s Cultural Program. In Turkey, we visited branding agencies to learn about advertising to multicultural and multireligious audiences. In India, we visited sustainable development organizations and learned about their impact on the community. The combination of classroom learning with meeting people and visiting companies in the field has been so rewarding.  

What are your plans for the future? 

My time at AUP has been a huge learning curve. It has opened doors for me to take on leadership roles within my community and challenged me to reach for more. Interacting with students with different cultures and perspectives has enhanced my critical-thinking abilities.

My goal is to be a great communications and marketing strategist. In my last semester, I will be doing an internship in AUP's Office of Communications. I will be getting hands-on experience as a social media coordinator for graduate programs. I look forward to building a sense of community among my fellow graduate students while learning to develop successful social media campaigns. In the future, I plan to use my communication skills to tell compelling stories about brands, people and cultures.